Treasure Island (1990) - Charlton Heston DVD

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Treasure Island (1990) 

Region code 2 (Europe)

A boy, a treasure map, a scurvy seadog eager to claim the booty - filmmaker Fraser C. Heston brings the familiar elements of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic adventure to movie life with a rousing emphasis on period detail and pirate parlance. Christian Bale, two years following his Empire of the Sun movie debut and 20 years before winning the Academy Award for The Fighter, plays impressionable hero-in-the-making Jim Dawkins. Oscar winner Charlton Heston, giving the role grit and gristle not seen in prior adaptations, is the one-legged cutthroat Long John Silver. Cross him and risk seeing the color of your insides. Yet that course of action is exactly what duty-bound Jim must do. Steel your courage, good mates, and let nary a secret slip. You're about to enter a realm where "dead men tell no tales."

Starring :

Charlton Heston, Christian Bale, Oliver Reed, Christopher Lee, Richard Johnson, Julian Glover

Director :

Fraser C. Heston


Running time : 125 Minutes

Language : English, German  Dolby Digital 2.0

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